DESCRIPTION A spacious detached three bedroom bungalow located within this quiet cul-de-sac on the Hormare development bordering Hurston Lane. Accommodation comprises: sitting room, dining room, open plan kitchen, separate cloakroom and shower room. Outside there is parking to the front leading to a larger than average detached garage. The rear garden is a feature of the property offering a high degree of privacy. No forward chain.
ENTRANCE uPVC double glazed front door to:
ENTRANCE HALL Radiator, built-in cloaks cupboard.
CLOAKROOM Low level flush w.c., wall-mounted wash hand basin, part tiled.
INNER HALLWAY Access to loft space, built-in shelved linen cupboard.
SITTING ROOM 15' 10 to bay" x 13' 0 maximum" (4.83m x 3.96m) Dual aspect, uPVC double glazed window bay, radiator.
KITCHEN 11' 11" x 10' 5" (3.63m x 3.18m) Range of laminate working surfaces with stainless steel one and a half bowl single drainer sink unit, range of eye-level cupboards, cooker, inset gas hob with extractor over, part tiled walls, radiator, washing machine, dishwasher, fridge, double glazed windows overlooking garden, wall-mounted boiler with programmer.
DINING ROOM 10' 3" x 9' 10" (3.12m x 3m) Radiator, uPVC door leading to garden.
BEDROOM ONE 13' 0" x 9' 11" (3.96m x 3.02m) Radiator, built-in wardrobe cupboards, uPVC double glazed window.
BEDROOM TWO 11' 11" x 9' 10" (3.63m x 3m) Radiator, uPVC double glazed windows.
BEDROOM THREE 10' 8" x 6' 9" (3.25m x 2.06m) Radiator, uPVC double glazed windows, built-in wardrobe cupboards.
FAMILY BATHROOM Large walk-in shower with glass and chrome screen and independent shower unit, low level flush w.c., wall-mounted wash hand basin, fully tiled walls, radiator, shaver point.
FRONT GARDEN Shaped lawned areas, enclosed by brick walling, paved driveway with ample parking area leading to:
DETACHED LARGER THAN AVERAGE GARAGE 16' 11" x 15' 11" (5.16m x 4.85m) Overhead storage space, automatic security roller door, power and light, clothes line/airer (socket is located in the grass), tumble dyer, freezer..
REAR GARDEN Being a feature of the property with paved terraced area, shaped lawned areas, screened by fence panelling, side paved courtyard area.